Thursday, September 19, 2013

Vintage Ballerina

The other day I had the pleasure of photographing the young and incredibly talented ballerina, Emilee.  I'm currently in an editorial photography course and we had an assignment where we needed to photograph the world's greatest athlete!  The main goal of the assignment was to photograph an athlete that we were interested in and personally felt were an amazing athlete.  

Well, shamefully, I'm admitting that I'm an avid Dance Moms fan.  But I swear, I mostly watch it for those little girls that dance their hearts out each week!  The strength of those preteens blows my mind.  So obviously, a ballerina popped right in my head when I was brainstorming what kind of athlete I wanted to work with.  I began my search and at the very last minute, I ended up with Emilee!  Ha.. I say it like a bad thing, uhhh, definitely not!  She was awesome and I captured so many perfect moments of her doing "her thing."

I decided to share a few of my favorites that I've given a super unique edit to.  I don't normally give my images this kind of treatment in post-processing, but I experimented with it on one of the images and was really loving the effect and overall mood it gave... so I went with it!

Man, I wish I could move like that!  My definition of a ballerina - they're graceful like an angel, but have the strength of a dung beetle.  Haha, you're probably saying "a dung beetle? really Ali?"  But yes, a dung beetle can carry 1,141 times it's own body weight.  Look it up!  ;)


  1. Ali,
    I LOVE these pictures! And Emilee has turned out to be such a beautiful young woman! Congratulations to both of you!
    Sandy Myers
