Tuesday, September 24, 2013

My Surprise Weekend

This past weekend, my incredibly awesome fiancé, Austin, planned a surprise weekend trip!  The end of September is a busy time for us - we started dating around this time 3 years ago and also got engaged 1 year ago.  I am seriously so grateful and cannot imagine spending my life with anyone else.  We're truly each others best friend - I know that's cheesy, but it's the truth!

Austin wanted to celebrate our anniversary by going on a 2 day mini vacation - something we've never really done together before!  He told me a couple weeks in advance that we would be going away for the weekend, but wouldn't tell me where or what we were going to be doing!  Psh, yeah right, I knew he wouldn't be able to keep it a surprise for too long!  Boy, was I wrong.  The only thing he told me was what hotel we were going to.  He came close to blabbing a couple of times, but he stayed strong!  Surprises tend to make me a little uneasy, but in the end it always seems worth it and they never fail to bring happiness.

As soon as I found out that we were going away for the weekend, I knew I wanted to bring my camera along and capture as much of our tip together as I could.  I'm always the girl occupied with the camera though, so I didn't want my camera to be between Austin and I (literally) for the whole weekend.  Soooo, here's our anniversary weekend through my lens!  :)

 ^ My handsome man at Tilted Kilt. ^

^ This time he stuck with his usual - Newcastle - and I tried something different! ^

 ^ Aha, he surprised me with tickets to the Indian's game that Friday! Beautiful night for it... ^

 ^ Well it was a beautiful night for it until it started pouring at the end of the 6th inning!  Still a WIN! ^

 ^ Austin & I are sorta obsessed with museums & aquariums. ^

 ^ It's like our inner child comes out when we go to one! ^

 ^ I was in love with these two fish.  They reminded me so much of the fish in the book The Rainbow Fish. ^

 ^ I like to call this fish the foil fish! ^

 ^ Basically the biggest blow fish I've ever seen!  This thing looked to be about 3 feet long. ^

 ^ I think these little sleepy heads were some of Austin's favorite's of the day :) ^

 ^ Can't forget the sharks!  Except these sharks were so lazy.  They literally had to put the fish in their mouth to get them to eat it. ^

^ Saturday we went to a nice dinner & bar! I took advantage & dressed up, whereas, Austin forgot to bring his dress clothes! Typical... ^

 ^ Shamefully, I'm admitting I was hungover on Sunday, so I forgot to take my camera in, but we went to Melt for lunch! ^

 ^ It was such a fun place to eat & be at!  I loved the environment & I'm excited that Columbus is getting one this Fall! ^

^ The wait was about an hour, but totally worth it!  Tasty sandwiches & cozy cups of soup. ^

Well, that about sums up our fun filled trip to Cleveland.  I had such a good time and I'm really glad Austin gifted us this weekend of relaxation.  I didn't open my laptop once and Friday we planned on going out, but instead we found ourselves taking advantage of the comfy king bed, watching movies on FX, and splitting a bottle of champagne.  I wouldn't have changed a thing and that is exactly why I know he's the man I'm supposed to spend the rest of my life with! <3

Okay, enough with the cheesiness... hope you all enjoyed this personal post and little peek into our weekend vacation!  Do you have a favorite weekend get away spot?  I'd love to hear about it and keep in in mind for the next time we decide to splurge!  :)

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