Thursday, September 12, 2013

Revamp is a Fun Word to Say...

That's right guys & gals, I revamped my blog.  I seriously have no idea why I just now decided to do this.  I've always had this vision in my mind on what I wanted my blog to look like - which is basically how I envision my entire brand, which is practically all of who I am!  So yes, the way the new blog looks is just ME.  In every single way.  At least for now, I tend to change my mind a lot!  ;)  Ugh, I'm such a girl, aren't I?

I want to make blogging such a bigger part of my life than it already is, I've been considering switching my blog to my "official website" and making my website now just a portfolio site - which of course will be linked loud and clear on my blog for all to see and well, click on to see my photography!

So, what do you guys think?  (YAWNS)  Well you think about it and let me know, it's time for me to get some shut eye!  Been working on this baby all night and now I'm writing this at 3am.  But you probably won't even be reading this until I'm already awake and up and about for the day.  So I guess this whole conversation about me going to bed right now is a little bit pointless.  Eh, oh well!  G'night!  ;)

P.S. Don't forget to comment below and let me know how you like the new look and your thoughts on me becoming more of a serious blogger.  I'm dying to know whatcha think!

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