Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Let's Relax

If you haven't started school back up yet, then it's likely right around the corner for you.  Or maybe you're not in school, but then I'm sure you have a job that can stress you out and leave you with no time for yourself to just relax.  Or you may even have to deal with having a job and going to school, like me!  Yeah, I'm with ya, it can be way too much sometimes!

We wake up and spend our days working hard, whether it's doing what we love or not, we still look forward to when we can relax and sleep later that night.  I mean, sleep is an amazing thing, right?  I don't know too many people that don't enjoy it.  But it's hard to enjoy it when as soon as your head hits that pillow, you feel wide awake, you can't stop tossing and turning, and your mind won't turn off.  Raise your hand if this is you!  Yeah, you're not alone, I'm definitely sitting over here with my hand raised.  

This has been a lifelong issue for me.  I remember being a little girl and my dad trying to help me relax by telling me to run my fingers through the fur on my butterfly pillow.  It was definitely soothing, but I'm 24 now and unfortunately, I don't have that butterfly pillow anymore.  So what are we supposed to do?  Sit in our dark bedroom in complete silence so our thoughts can seem even louder than they actually are?  No.  There's a little thing called ASMR videos that my mom introduced me to a couple weeks ago.

ASMR stands for autonomous sensory meridian response.  Okay, I know, that doesn't really explain it very well haha.  Basically, you know that tingling sensation you get when someone plays with your hair or lightly runs their fingers across your back?  Well, you're probably wondering how someone in a YouTube video can play with your hair or tickle your back.  Well, they can't.  But they can use senses such as hearing and sight.  Which are two of the most powerful senses we have.

I kid you not guys, this really works.  Honestly though, some of you will find it "too weird" to use as a tool of relaxation.  But I hope you all at least give it a chance and keep an open mind.

Some of the videos can get extremely creative, and if you're not into that and just want to see someone brushing their hair for a half hour, then search your other options!  Basically whatever typically helps you relax, then it's likely been done before and it's on there labeled as an ASMR video.  So search, watch, and listen away!

I'm going to start you off with a list of some of my favorite ASMR YouTube channels, as well as, a few of my favorite ASMR videos.

ASMR YouTube Channels:

ASMR Videos:

Well, that's it for today.  I hope you all don't think I'm a big weirdo now.  I swear this ASMR thing is a REAL thing.  Just trust me on this.  Check the channels and videos out and allow them to bring some peace and relaxation into your life!  I know we could all use some more of it, so what do you have to lose?  Sleep well, my friends!  :)


  1. I think I have insomnia. I usually don't get much sleep. It takes me like three hours to fall asleep but last night, I fell asleep very quickly. I'm usually tired though so, i don't understand why I can't fall asleep. Maybe it's just my mind always working. But what really helps me is studying for many hours or keeping myself very productive for almost the whole day and being really busy. Those are the days I really fall asleep quickly.

    1. I'm with ya! I always have an easier time falling asleep when I've spent most my day up and about. Give ASMR videos a try :) I hope they can help you in some way!
