Thursday, August 15, 2013

Summer Break is Here!

Ahh, lordy lordy... it's been quite a semester this summer.  I'm thankful for finishing out strong and not hitting my breaking point, though I got pretty damn close.  I don't usually mind my plate being full, in fact sometimes it helps me stay inspired, but being expected to composite multiple images to create one image every 3 days on top of the other homework we were expected to do just made me feel overwhelmed.  Sure, at first I was loving it.  Much like I explained in my latest post.  But after awhile, I thought my head was going to explode!  Yowzers!  

Anyways, I'm not trying to complain to you all.  I just feel guilty for spending most of this beautiful summer only focused on school and not blogging, PS tutorials, creating my own personal work, etc.  Hope you all can understand.  One good thing about being swamped with assignments this summer is that I was dishing out new work constantly!

Here's some of my favorite images that I spent my summer creating.... 

Oh and stay tuned, before summer ends I'll be having some more photos to share and a PS tutorial!

"Ms. Dada"

"Just me"

"A Summer's Day"

"Summer days at my childhood home"

"Honey, it's just a part of life"

xo Ali Bee

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