Thursday, July 11, 2013

Happy Stressing

I know, I know... I've been horrible at keeping up with the blog.  But seriously, my life has been put on high speed since I started classes this Summer.  But it's been mostly a good busy.  I'm creating A LOT. And though I'm being forced to create often and much quicker than I usually would, I find myself pushing to give each image my full attention and motivated to create something that I can be proud of.  I'm stressed, but I'm happy.  Some days I wish I could be lounging by the pool with a cocktail in hand, but the only thing I'd probably learn from that is how many daiquiri's I can drink before I get a brain freeze.

Anyywaaaayyys, I'll be having a surprise Photoshop tutorial for you all soon.  Well, I guess it's not a surprise anymore if I just told you!  Promise I'll work on it as soon as I get a couple hours free!  <3

I've been going Photoshop crazy... Here's what's new:

xo Ali Bee


  1. Your photoshop skills are great. That last one is my favorite. The first one is my second favorite. But that last one is really the most creative and interesting out of them all. By the way, how did you get your hair to stick up like that in the first photo?

    1. Thanks, Nussi, for your comment! :) For the first image, I got my hair to look like it was standing up by taking a separate photo where I held my braided pigtails up and then I constructed the images together!
