Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Beautifully Raw

So Summer time is such a perfect time for creating.  I have no idea why, but as soon as warm weather comes, inspiration starts flowing.  There's a particular concept that I've been dreaming of doing for over a year now, and with the help of an old college friend, Katie, I was able to make it happen this past Monday.  In preparation for the shoot, we both searched for inspiration and ideas to add to the original concept.  

With her dark side and my bright side... we were able to tackle two concepts in one day.  And as if things couldn't have been working out any more perfectly, when I went to work on touching them up in Photoshop,  I realized there hardly needed to be any work done to them.  Complete raw beauty. I was able to edit all the images in just one day.

If you have a dream concept you've been dying to tackle, stop waiting around!  Just put together your ideas and have fun with it.  Sometimes it may not always turn out perfectly, and other times it just may be everything you wanted it to be and more!

If you'd like to see the images from the other concept that we created this day, please click here.  It's much more dark and eerie than this series!   ;)

Also, if you'd like to see where my main inspiration for this shoot came from, then check out my Pinterest board!

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