Tuesday, November 18, 2014

How-To Not be Inappropriate on Twitter

So you're on Twitter, staring down at your phone, looking at this tweet you just typed and aren't sure if you should officially click the tweet button.  All sorts of questions are going through your head - "Is this too personal?"  "Will this make me lose followers?"  "Is this going to start some long, dramatic argument on my feed?"  And so on... Don't worry, you're not alone.  Many of us who have a brand to keep up with and represent struggle with this every single day.

The questions you should actually be asking yourself are: "Is this something my target market would tweet?"  "Does this represent my brand in a good way?"  "Could this possibly lead to new Twitter followers who are also in my target market?"

When we start our own business and realize how important social media is to be successful, we automatically think all our social media accounts, including Twitter, have to strictly be used for marketing - meaning we should be tweeting links to our blog posts, newsletter sign-up forms, discounts on products, and so on.  FALSE!  Sure, tweeting all of those things is important and you should tweet them as often as you feel is necessary, but make sure you balance it out with tweets that show off your authenticity.  I say authenticity, because the more we tweet trying to market our business, the more we start to sound like robots and as if there isn't anyone behind the words.  And losing followers due to sounding like a robot... Ouch, that never feels good!

There's what I like to call a safe zone when it comes what to tweet to make you and your brand feel more authentic.  What does this safe zone include?
  • Quotes that your target market find inspiring
  • Tweets about the positive aspects of your day
  • LIVE tweeting along with the trending hashtag to you're favorite show
  • RTs/replies to brands and people you look up to
  • RTs/replies to YOUR followers
  • My personal favorite, tweet questions that your target market would LOVE to answer

Okay, so we know what the safe zone is, but we still find ourselves really, really wanting to tweet something, but we know it doesn't fit the criteria of the safe zone.  That's okay.  There will be moments where we're having an off day and we just want to vent about it.  My tip for you, keep the venting to a minimal and make sure you end it on a positive note.  Also, don't vent just to vent.  You want there to be some type of positive message or point made at the end of the rant.  Perhaps you're car got hit by a shopping cart in the Walmart parking lot.  You've been having a bad day and feel the urge to tweet about the incident.  Make the message about how important it is to do random acts of kindness.  Tweet about how it irked you that someone was lazy and inconsiderate by not putting their cart away, but instead of allowing another car to get hit by it, you decided to put away, not one, but two carts.  There's a lesson to be learned in every life situation - good or bad.  Make sure your Twitter followers know that when you decide to tweet something that isn't necessarily positive.

Lastly, but certainly not least, it's okay to be vulnerable.  We don't always have all the answers or all the strength to stay positive and put out the best possible attitude that we can.  Let your followers and your fans be there for you.  Let them give you words of advice.  Let them tell you a funny joke to cheer you up.  Let them tell you that they're thinking of you.  Let them be your friend.

The most important thing is to be yourself.  It's likely that your business and your brand is a huge part of who you are, therefore, it will often come naturally to tweet the right things.

Call to Action:
  • Be sure to sign up for my newsletter aka the B.I.P. List!  Trust me, it's a list you'll want to be on in the near future.  Coming soon will be exclusive tips, advice, and inspiration to living a successful and happy life!
  • I'm also on bloglovin', Instagram, and Twitter!  Let's be friends, okay? :)
  • Lastly, comment down below what you're Twitter handle is AND a time where you tweeted, immediately regretted it, and deleted it.  If you had read this beforehand, would you still have deleted it?

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