Friday, October 11, 2013

Rag Trader - Making new jewelry out of old things

So I'm not sure if any of you Ohioans are familiar with the Prairie Peddler (pretty sure it happens in other states, too!), but it is an incredible weekend event to go if you love craft shows, good food, and local entertainment.  I remember going as a child and it being a really fun place to go with the family.  When my family, fiancĂ©, and I went a couple weeks ago, I realized it is still a super fun.  Though this time instead of tapping my foot to the music the whole time, I actually did a bit of shopping and looking around at all the handmade goodies!  From handmade furniture to DIY scarecrows - they just had SO much!  

Just before leaving, we stumbled upon a booth called Rag Trader.  It was the first booth I saw that had eye-catching jewelry with a vintage twist.  I'm a sucker for jewelry and vintage, so it sucked me in - along with my mom and sister!  They had anything from old type writer buttons turned into necklaces to old pocket watches.  My mom ended up purchasing 6 items from them!  She bought my sister and I necklaces, my grandma a necklace, my aunt a bracelet, and she bought herself a necklace and a pair of earrings.  I love it when she treats herself - it's doesn't happen often enough!  Maybe it's a mom thing!

I strongly suggest checking out their website - pretty sure you'll get lost in all their amazing pieces and then end up buying something!  Also, if you've never been to the Prairie Peddler - make it a must do for next year!  It's like the biggest craft show ever hidden in the woods, basically in the middle of no where!  I wish I had taken some photos while there!  Welp, that's it for today.  Have a beautiful Friday!  :)

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