Monday, April 22, 2013

Spring Shopping Spree

Spring shopping spree.  Say that 10 times fast!  SPRING SHOPPING SPREE, SPRING SHOPPING SPREE, SPING SHOPPING PREE, PING SHOPPINGPREE...  Yeah, I'm not sure if it can be done!

With Spring finally here & considering I recently trotted around in the mud in my favorite flats & they are now in the trash, I decided it was time I needed some new flats.  Yes, more shoes.  You could always have more shoes, right?

When it comes to flats, I guess you can consider me a cheap-o.  I don't like to spend too much money on them because 9 times out of 10, they are uncomfortable.  Why buy an $80 pair of uncomfortable flats when I can buy a $10 pair that are just as cute.  And if they fall apart quicker than the $80 pair, then that just gives me an excuse to buy a new pair sooner!  :)

So here are my under $20 pairs of flats that were purchased from Rue 21.  Now I'm definitely ready for Spring!

Oh, have I mentioned that my dog, Bella, is a bit of a weirdo.  But how can you not love that face?

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