Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Feel Good Blogging Day 1

I know, I know... I've already posted today.  If you haven't seen that post yet, find it here.  BUT I'm posting again because the incredible Alex Beadon (marketing expertise and a dream-chaser's best friend) has challenged me and thousands of others to blog today and every day for 7 days in a row!  Think I can do it?  I'm totally up for the challenge!  You should join in, by the way.

In Day 1's post, Alex gave us 5 questions to answer.  Here we go ...

Q: Who are you?
A: I am Ali Brown!  Most people here know me as Ali Bee.  In fact, if you've been a reader for some time, this is probably the first time you're finding out that my real last name is Brown!  I'm from a small town in the middle of Ohio called Marion.  I grew up here, but I eventually moved out on my own to Ohio's capital, Columbus.  I fell in love with the city, got my first real job, moved in with a boy for the first time, and got engaged in our little apartment.  Currently I'm back living in my hometown with my fiancé where we cuddle often with our two dogs, Bella and Daisy.  Lately, I've been spending most of my days blogging, growing my business, planning our July wedding, and virtually meeting life-long friends who live a similar lifestyle as me aka I love supporting other bloggers!

Q: Why did you start blogging?
A: I'm pretty sure my first ever blog post included tips to being a wedding photographer.  It's kind of funny because my life is so different from that today.  I've actually only have photographed 2 weddings in my life.  And though both were incredibly beautiful and I feel honored to have been the photographer, I knew pretty quickly that it wasn't for me.  I started this blog in hopes that I could share my photography tips, photo sessions, and personal tid bits of my life.  I've always been passionate about documenting my life and my thoughts, whether it be via words on a computer screen or through vlogging and video.

Q: Who is your blog for?
A: Today my blog is for women who are just trying to make their mark in the world, all while living an inspired, dream filled and happy life.

Q: What is something you've been working on lately that you're REALLY proud of?
A: Honestly, probably this blog.  I've been transitioning my portrait photography business into something so much more than that.  I've grown this insane passion for helping women live a life they love.  The last couple of months I've been dedicating much of my time to building new business ideas, re-branding, AND starting 6 new blog series - Bee You Mondays, Bizzy Tuesdays, Bee Happy Wednesdays, Random Thursdays, Friday Fixers, and Thoughtful Sundays.  If you want to learn more about these awesome changes then you can read more here.

Q: What's the one message that you hope people take away from your blog?
A: One message, huh?  That's a toughy.  I guess I would have to say that I hope my blog makes women realize that happiness is a choice and within happiness we are able to see our dreams clearly and have the power to reach them because truly anything is possible.

And that's a wrap for Feel Good Blogging Day 1!  I'm so excited to click publish right now, you have no idea.  If you're a part of Alex's challenge, then don't forget to comment below with your blog.  If you're not a part of Alex's challenge, but still have a blog, share that bad boy anyway.  ;)   

Don't forget to follow my blog on bloglovin'.  Oh, and I'm also on Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube!  Let's be friends, okay?  Okay. :)


  1. Wow, you're so ambitious with your blog series! I LOVE that! And congratulations on your engagement. :) Exciting to connect with you! Cheers!

    1. Thank you SO much! So happy that you stopped by :) xo

  2. Hi Ali! Awesome post!! I love your blog's mission in inspiring women to be happy & find their happiness from within. Its funny how our blog topics are so different and yet we have very similar missions. Looking forward to reading more of your posts coming up!!! :)


    1. I thought the same thing! That's the best part about this whole blogging thing... so many people have similar missions + goals, but we all have our own way about doing it. I love it! xo

  3. Ali, I am so glad and found you and absolutely love reading your blog! I feel like we are in the same boat and it's kind of scary haha! I joined the challenge too and am so excited! http://blog.kathleenelizabeth-photography.com/feel-good-blogging-day-1/

    1. Yay! Thank you for reading :) We do have a lot of similarities! I'm so excited to read you post. Headed there now! xo

  4. You are an awesome blogger! It seems you've been transforming gradually through your blogging journey, and I commend you on your message to women. It is beautiful. Congratulations on your engagement!

    1. Ah Angel, thank you so sweetly for your kind comments + support. I appreciate so much you stopping by my blog! xoxo
