Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Samantha - The Singer

I don't even know where to begin.  To all my photographer followers, don't you just LOVE when a photo shoot you expect to turn out awesome turns out about 100 times more awesome than what you expected?  Like that's a whole lot of awesomeness, right?  Well, basically that is exactly how I feel about this shoot I had with Samantha.  With her funky blue hair, her rocker style, and alternative view on life - I knew I had it in the bag before I even began snapping photographs of her.  What put it over the top was how natural she was in front of the camera!  She "warned" me beforehand that she'd never done anything like this before and honestly, she seemed a little bit nervous, but nothing that was unusual for most people when getting their picture taken.  But almost instantly, when I began clicking the shutter, her nerves either completely went away or were no longer visible to me or my camera.  It's like every time I went to direct her on her next pose, she was doing exactly what I had envisioned before I could finish my sentence.  Maybe we're model/photographer soul mates.  ;)  Who knows!  All I know is I wouldn't be mad if I had to photograph this gorgeous girl again.

During our photo shoot, I got to know a little bit more about Samantha.  She's just a year older than me - 25 - and she's already owned her own consignment shop, began and runs her own karaoke/DJ business, and has been involved in TONS of singing competitions.  She's actually on her way to California right now for another competition.  She's been doing all of this with her fiancé and two little boys along her side.  And I thought I was extremely busy. This girl seriously blows my mind and I'm so thankful I got to spend a couple hours photographing her.  I had so much fun and she made my job so flippin' easy by being an awesome model.  Words can't express how much in love I am with these images... so here, just see for yourself!

She rocks.  Literally.  To keep up with Samantha and her many endeavors, go "like" the S&K Entertainment Facebook page!  Thanks for stopping by and oh yeah, before I forget, happy first day of October!  :)


  1. Yeah, she's really good and you're an AMAZING photographer! You really made her pop out in every single one of the photos.
