Thursday, May 9, 2013

Thrifting Thursday

Hey all!

So a few days ago I decided to hit up the thrift stores.  It's something I haven't done in WAY too long.  When I went, I actually had a very specific item in mind.  I couldn't believe my eyes when I actually found it in the first aisle at the first store I went to!  I love the feeling of finding a good treasure, but it's even better when it's something you're actually looking for and know what purpose you want it to have.  I needed it for my new balloon cactus that I purchased at Meijer a few weeks ago.  So duh, I swooped up this little white vase/bowl at Salvation Army for $3.99.  Sort of expensive than I expected.  Not too sure why, because I then found a similar white vase at Goodwill for only $1.99.  Yes, I swooped that beauty up, as well!  I also found two cute tins.  One I just couldn't resist, and it now sits on a shelf full of other trinkets in my fiancé and I's bedroom, and the other matches great in our kitchen and is great for storing granola bars, fruit snacks, etc.  

Here are some tips to keep in mind when you take your own thrift store adventure:

  • Look high and low.
  • Don't underestimate what you think are the junk aisles.
  • Always check out the furniture.  You never know when there will be a great steal there.
  • Think outside of the box.
  • I know it's 2013, but you can have a mixture of vintage AND modern in your home.
  • Don't buy it unless you fall in love with it.  You'll end up having way too much and that's when treasures turn into junk.
  • Make a list before you go.
  • Check to see if your local thrift stores have half-off days... they usually do!

So there ya have it!  Thrifting with Ali Bee!  :)

xo, Ali Bee


  1. Lovely and so inspiring post Ali!

    Love your finds, milk glass is my favorite =D

    xox Linda ;-)

    1. Thanks, Linda! I loovvee milk glass. I couldn't believe I went out looking for these exact things and found them. Successful thrifting trip! :)
