Tuesday, April 24, 2012

I'm in the Spring Show!

I just have to share my excitement with you all! 

Ever since I began studying photography at AAU, which was Spring 2010, I been submitting 9 pieces of my work every Spring for the Spring Show that is hosted by the school.  For those of you who don't know, the Spring Show is an amazing gallery set up featuring work from student's who attend AAU.  Many extremely talented professionals and people from the community attend this show.  It's a great opportunity and honor to be able to have your work in this show.  How do I know this?  Because this year, 1,900 pieces of photography work were submitted and only 123 got chosen to be featured at the show...  And little ol' me has been lucky enough to have my image be one of those 123 that were chosen!

I am just so thrilled that after all this hard work I've been doing these past few months is finally paying off.  I'm so proud of myself for never giving up even though I've been turned down, pushed down, and ignored.  And it makes me sad and happy to say that I almost didn't submit my work this year for the Spring Show.  I actually totally forgot about it... probably because I've never been chosen before so it just left my mind.  Then last minute, I remembered, and thought oh sure, why not.  Thank goodness for that!

So yep, one of my most personal and favorite images will be feature in the Spring Show 2012.  This show will take place on Wednesday, May 23rd at The Cannery, 2801 Leavenworth St., San Francisco.  School of Photography will be exhibiting in Rm 108.  The ceremony will begin at 7pm.

Here it is:
My Family